Discover Joivy Renew

Joivy Renew provides quality design and renovation services for residential and commercial projects for investment property.

It was founded in 2015 because a valid partner was needed for the design of spaces intended for the rental market.

L’azienda è in grado di supportare i propri clienti in ogni momento, from the initial phase through to delivery (from space design to site management, as well as the supply of Turnkey furnishing packages).

What we do for you

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Feasibility studies

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Project management
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Project and design

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Interior design
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Mettiti in contatto con il team di Joivy Renew

Our services include

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Project and design

Our Project and Design team analyses the project's technical feasibility, creating a product and concept for each space that can enhance the investment's profitability, aesthetics, functionality and durability. From the drafting of the construction documents to the custom-made design of the furniture, we offer various solutions that can fit every need in the LIVING sector. We accompany our clients in the cost analysis with the identification of possible tax incentives and cost reductions to make the project viable.

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General Contractor & Project Management

Forniamo un servizio completo di General Contractor e con il supporto dei nostri Project Manager assicuriamo la riuscita degli interventi nei tempi e costi prestabiliti. L’esperienza negli anni sulle ristrutturazioni ci permette di avere un parco fornitori fidelizzato che possa offrire oltre alla competenza tecnica e accuratezza delle realizzazioni, dei prezzi vantaggiosi.

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Interior Design & Furnishing Supply

Arredi, luci, colori e decorazioni. Gli interior designer di Joivy Renew progettano pacchetti d’arredamento studiando i trend e i gusti più ricercati dai clienti. Ti accompagniamo nella scelta dei materiali per identificare lo stile che si adatta meglio al tuo progetto. Il risultato è un progetto d’arredamento d’interni completo e pronto per essere installato nel tuo immobile, attraverso un servizio chiavi in mano comprensivo di trasporto e montaggio.

100 k



Investments managed in renovation

1,2 k

Renovated units

Meet the Joivy Renew team

Architects, interior designers and engineers constitute the company's real know-how costituiscono il vero know how della società


Giulio Limongelli



Laura Renda

Managing Director


Elisa RivierA

Architectural & Design Team Leader


Francesca Gradanti

Construction & Project Team Leader

Fabrizio Mongiò2

Fabrizio Mongiò

Architectural & Technical Manager


Alice Corno

Architectural & Design Senior Project Manager


Emiliano Fiorenzoni

Construction & Senior Project Manager


Jonatha Chieregato

Finance Associate


Silvia Taveri

Architectural & Design Project Manager


Margherita Ciandrini

Architectural & Design Project Manager

Luciana di Ceglie

Interior Design & Product Manager


Beatrice rimoldi

Interior Design & Product Manager


Alessandro Turazzi

Construction & Project Manager


Layla Abd El Monem

Construction & Project Manager


Luca lattanzio

Construction & Project Manager


Samuele Sangalli

Project Manager


Carlotta valente

Interior Design & Product Specialist